Well, I guess I should start out my blog by introducing myself to you. I was born and raised in Texas, a tomboy when I was in my early years, I enjoyed fishing, playing with toads, going hunting with my Dad and running around everywhere in bare feet and making mud pies. Don't get me wrong, I also loved to dress up in my grandmother's clothes and jewelry and pretend I could sing, dancing around and having "talent shows" with my brother.
I loved having my Mom tell me stories at bedtime, many she would make up as she went, but I thought they were the best, and often times asked her to tell them to me night after night. Sometime in my middle school years, I found my love of creative writing. Often sitting at the computer for hours typing out story after short story. I took quite a few summer classes on creative writing, thanks to my Mom and Meme, and there was even a time in my middle school science class that I started a story, then passed it around to classmates to add a few lines, continuing the story in their own words. It never did get finished, but I still have it tucked away in an old folder. I would read, for hours. Many times I would read a book in one or two days, and then reach for another to consume. I loved them all. From R.L. Stine to Emily Bronte to Nora Roberts and everything in between.
I was a very shy child as I grew older, and I had always felt out of place among other kids. For the record, I've never really felt like I fit in with any crowd. I still don't. Books were and are my escape. I truly believe that reading has helped me look at the world differently, be more empathetic, and have an open mind. Anyway, along came high school and all the teenage hormones and wanting to fit in. Cheerleading, various school clubs, friends, boyfriends, and all that jazz took up my time and writing was put to the back burner and forgotten, though I still read endlessly.
Fast forward a few years, and I'm married to the boy I had a crush on my junior year. We had gone out on one date and my Dad came outside wearing camo and holding a machete. You get the picture. He didn't ask me out again. Anyway, we ended up marrying and having three beautiful sons together. Being a Mom, wife, and working full time, well... it took up all my time. Or at least that's what I told myself as an excuse. If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone back to writing in my twenties. I've lost a lot of time. Now I have a beautiful one-year-old grandson, who brings me so much joy, and I love reading to him. Right now his favorite book is "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" by Al Perkins. We read it over, and over, and over again. Ha! But I love every minute of it! One day, I hope to write a children's book for him. We'll see.
For now, I'm trying my hand in YA Fantasy. My first book took about 2 years to write. That was with a lot of stopping and starting, editing and re-editing. A lot of self-doubts until I just decided to go for it. Sword of Light is the first in The Four Keys series. I am currently working on the second book and also a prequel to the series, it will be a novella.
Though the process of writing and publishing books entails a lot more than I could have imagined, I am enjoying all of it and learning more each day. There is just something about writing that soothes me. I can put in my earbuds, turn my music on, and write for hours if uninterrupted. I could be in the worst mood, and after writing I will be happy. This is my joy. This is what I wish I had been doing for so many years prior. I wish I had gone for it years ago when I thought I didn't have enough time. The truth is, we will never have enough time if we don't make time. If you have something that you enjoy, something that you love, something that you've always wanted to do. Do it! Make time for it, indulge yourself, and make your dreams happen. Find YOUR joy.